Versioning Several Assets Simultaneously

To automatically assign the new versions to the created assets, you can choose between three methods:
Matching file name: The file name of the asset to which a version is to be added matches the file name of the new version.
Asset ID: The ID of the asset to which a version is to be added is part of the file name of the new version. You can choose whether the asset ID is at the start (as a prefix) or end (as a suffix) of the version file name. You can also choose the separator with which the asset ID is separated from the rest of the file name, such as a period (.) or hyphen (-).
You want to carry out the assignment using the asset ID as a prefix. You want to separate the asset ID from the rest of the file name with a hyphen. To assign a version to the asset with the asset ID M-2456, the file name for the version must correspond to the following structure: M-2456-Name.Format.
Item number: The item number of the asset to which a version is to be added is part of the file name of the new version. You can choose whether the item number is at the start (as a prefix) or end (as a suffix) of the version file name. You can also choose the separator with which the item number is separated from the rest of the file name, such as a period (.) or hyphen (-).
You want to carry out the assignment using the item number as a suffix. You want to separate the item number from the rest of the file name with a period. To assign a version to the asset with the item number 123456, the file name for the version must correspond to the following structure: Name.123456.Format.
Note that you can use only one method in the mass versioning.

You have standardized the names of the files that are created as versions and the attributes of the assets that are to be versioned to an assignment method.

Click > Assets > .
Add the new versions to the import by dragging files from the local disk into the window or click the
button and use the button. -
Enter a name for the import folder in the field Folder Name .
.The files are uploaded to the import folder.
Once the upload is complete, click
. -
To version them all, click ⋮More functions > Mass versioning of assets
Optional: To version a selection, select a range of assets by holding down the Shift key and clicking the (+) icon for the first and last asset, or click the (+) icon for individual assets.
At the bottom left,
is displayed. -
Click ( Edit or the pencil icon) and select Mass versioning of assets.
Optional: If you are in the import overview with all import folders, you can access the command Mass versioning of assets via the ... menu on the right.
The Mass versioning of assets wizard is loaded.
On the Select matching criteria page select the matching options to perform the mass versioning.
Click Apply.
You start the mass versioning process.
Once the process is complete, the results, or assets found and matched, are listed on the next page, titled Matched versions.
Activate the Select mass-version matches checkbox to select all files that could be assigned to an existing asset.
Click Save version.
You have created and saved the uploaded files as a new version of the assets. You can call up the versions of an asset via the detailed view. You can display the log of the import folder to view the list of successfully versioned assets.